A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Π Ω 


add(PerisicFieldElement) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.PerisicFieldElement
agarwalAndSharir2002 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Agarwal and Sharir, 2002] Agarwal, P.
all() - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Examples
all(int) - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Permutation
Return all permutations of the sequence ( 0, 1, ...
Alternating - Class in net.sf.oriented.omi
Implements an alternating function over a non-alternating one.
Alternating(Chirotope) - Constructor for class net.sf.oriented.omi.Alternating
We pass in a map that is not necessarily alternating, and we get back one that is.
and(Permutation) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Permutation
Permutation composition
asCollection() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SetOf
asDrawing() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.EuclideanPseudoLines
Prepare to draw this arrangement of pseudolines.
asInt(Label) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
The integer corresponding to this element (counting from 0).
asInt(String) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
The integer corresponding to this element (counting from 0).
asInt(T...) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
The integers corresponding to these elements (counting from 0).
asInt(UnsignedSet) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
Gets the indexes of each element in u
asSet(int...) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
Concerts integer indices of OM.elements() into an UnsignedSet.
automorphisms() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.Matroid
The automorphism group for this matroid.
automorphisms() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
The automorphism group of this oriented matroid.
AxiomViolation - Exception in net.sf.oriented.omi
An object does not satisfy its invariants and/or axioms.
AxiomViolation(Object, String) - Constructor for exception net.sf.oriented.omi.AxiomViolation
Construct a new AxiomViolation.


background - Variable in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.ImageOptions
The color of the background to the rectangle, outside the picture
bases() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
A factory for matroids from bases.
Bibliography - Class in net.sf.oriented.omi
A somewhat disorganized list of references from the literature.
björnerEtAl1999 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Björner et al., 1999] Björner, A., Las Vergnas, M., Sturmfels, B., White, N., and Ziegler, G.
border - Variable in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.ImageOptions
The width of the border in which line labels are shown.
bottom() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.FaceLattice
The bottom face of the lattice, labelled with the empty signed set.


carroll2000a - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Carroll, 2000a] Carroll, J.
carroll2000b - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Carroll, 2000b] — (2000b).
carroll2000c - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Carroll, 2000c] — (2000c).
carroll2000d - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Carroll, 2000d] — (2000d).
carroll2006 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Carroll, 2006] — (2006).
carver1922 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Carver, 1922] Carver, W.
ceva() - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Examples
An oriented matroid representing Ceva's theorem.
ceva1678 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Ceva, 1678] Ceva, G.
chapter1() - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Examples
This is from the Oriented Matroid book Bibliography.björnerEtAl1999
chi(int...) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Alternating
chi(int...) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.Chirotope
This is only called when it has Chirotope.rank() arguments, and they are strictly monotonic increasing.
chi(int...) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.FullChirotope
The alternating map.
Chirotope - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
The base interface for implementing new chirotope sources.
chirotope() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
A factory for oriented matroids which uses the chirotope representation.
ChirotopeFactory - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
Create Oriented Matroids from their Chirotope.
circuits() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
A factory for oriented matroids which uses the circuit representation.
circularsaw3() - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Examples
The oriented matroid corresponding to the circular saw diagram of size three.
CoLexicographic - Class in net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics
Iterate over colexicographic orderings of integers.
CoLexicographic(int, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.CoLexicographic
Construct a colexicographic ordering or r items chosen from 0 through n − 1.
CoLoopCannotBeDrawnException - Exception in net.sf.oriented.pseudoline
The representation of rank 3 oriented matroids as pseudoline drawings in the Euclidean plane can only draw co-loops as the line at infinity.
compose(SignedSet) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SignedSet
Signed set composition.
conformsWith(SignedSet) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SignedSet
Does this conform with x? i.e.
construct(Chirotope) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.ChirotopeFactory
Create an oriented matroid from a chirotope provided programmatically.
construct(Collection<? extends Label>, Chirotope) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.ChirotopeFactory
Create an oriented matroid from a chirotope provided programmatically, with given element labels.
construct(RationalMatrix) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.RealizedFactory
Construct an oriented matroid from a matrix, using default labels for the elements.
construct(Collection<? extends Label>, RationalMatrix) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.RealizedFactory
Construct an oriented matroid from a matrix, using given labels for the elements.
construct(UnsignedSet, UnsignedSet) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SignedSetFactory
Build a signed set from two disjoint unsigned sets.
contains(ITEM) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SetOf
copyBackingCollection(Iterable<? extends ITEM>) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SetFactory
Create an immutable new set by copying a Java collection as the backing collection.
covector() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.Face
The covector labeling the face in the lattice (null for the Face.Type.Top element)
coxeter1995 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Coxeter, 1995] Coxeter, H.
create(int) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.PerisicField
Map an integer into this field.


defaultBlackAndWhite() - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.ImageOptions
Get image options that generate a black and white image.
defaultColor() - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.ImageOptions
Get image options that generate a color image.
determinantFromColumns(int[]) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.RationalMatrix
Computes the determinant on the sub-matrix formed by the specified columns
dimension() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.Face
The dimension of this face, -1 for Face.Type.Bottom, 0 for points, etc.
divide(PerisicFieldElement) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.PerisicFieldElement
dual() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.Matroid
The dual of the matroid.
dual() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
The dual oriented matroid.


elements() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.Matroid
The elements on which this matroid is defined.
elements() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
The elements on which this oriented matroid is defined.
empty() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.MatroidFactory
This does not, and will not, work.
empty() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OMSFactory
This does not, and will not, work.
empty() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SetFactory
The (immutable) empty set.
emptyCollectionOf() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.Factory
A suggested Java Collection for gathering up some such items.
equals(Object) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
An Oriented Matroid is equal to any other object implementing this interface, which represents the same underlying oriented matroid, including the OM.elements() being equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Permutation
equals(Object) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.PerisicFieldElement
equalsIgnoreSign(SignedSet) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SignedSet
Either s is equal to this, or to the opposite of this.
equalsIsSameSetAs() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SetOf
This indicates whether in the implementing class the notion of equality is set equality or not.
equalsOpposite(SignedSet) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SignedSet
This is a short hand for s.equals(opposite()).
euclidC300BC - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Euclid, c300BC] Euclid (c300BC).
EuclideanPseudoLines - Class in net.sf.oriented.pseudoline
This class takes a rank 3 oriented matroid and prepares it for processing from a Euclidean perspective.
EuclideanPseudoLines(OM, String, String...) - Constructor for class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.EuclideanPseudoLines
Prepare the given oriented matroid for Euclidean processing, with the given line at infinity, and a hint, which may or may not be followed, concerning which lines to re-orient.
EuclideanPseudoLines(OM, Label) - Constructor for class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.EuclideanPseudoLines
Prepare the given oriented matroid for Euclidean processing, with the given line at infinity.
Examples - Class in net.sf.oriented.omi
Here are some 'interesting' oriented matroids.
Examples() - Constructor for class net.sf.oriented.omi.Examples


Face - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
A face in a FaceLattice
Face.Type - Enum in net.sf.oriented.omi
The types of faces in a FaceLattice
FaceLattice - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
The face lattice corresponding to an oriented matroid.
Factory<T> - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
Provides conversion to and from String for some class.
FactoryFactory - Class in net.sf.oriented.omi
This class generates Factory's and SetFactory's for the interfaces in the API.
FactoryFactory() - Constructor for class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
A new FactoryFactory with default options.
FactoryFactory(Options) - Constructor for class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
A new FactoryFactory with given Options.
felsner1997 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Felsner, 1997] Felsner, S.
felsnerAndKriegel1999 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Felsner and Kriegel, 1999] Felsner, S.
felsnerAndWeil1999 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Felsner and Weil, 1999] Felsner, S.
felsnerAndZiegler2001 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Felsner and Ziegler, 2001] Felsner, S.
ffactory() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
The factory for making this oriented matroid and its various parts.
fill - Variable in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.ImageOptions
The color of the faces inside the picture
filter(Predicate<Permutation>) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Group
Create a subgroup by accepting some of the elements in the group.
finschi2001 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Finschi, 2001]
folkmanAndLawrence1978 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Folkman and Lawrence, 1978] Folkman, J.
fontSizeRatio - Variable in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.ImageOptions
Any scaling that should be applied to the font size.
foreground - Variable in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.ImageOptions
The foregound color that is used for text, vertices, and the origin.
from0toN(int) - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Permutation
fromCircuits(String) - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
Given a string representation of a set of circuits create an oriented matroid.
fromCoLexicographic(int, String) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.ChirotopeFactory
Create an oriented matroid from its colexicographic representation as a series of +, -, 0s.
fromCoLexicographic(int, int, String) - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
Gives an oriented matroid corresponding to a chirotope in colexicographic form.
fromCoLexicographic(int, int, String) - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Lexicographic
Convert a colexicographic chirotope string into a lexicographic one
fromCrossings(String...) - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
This method is for turning a pseudoline configuration into an oriented matroid.
fromEuclideanLines(int[][]...) - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
Generate an OM from lines being specified as a pair of points (integer coordinates).
fromLexicographic(int, String) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.ChirotopeFactory
Create an oriented matroid from its lexicographic representation as a series of +, -, 0s.
fromLexicographic(int, int, String) - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
Gives an oriented matroid corresponding to a chirotope in lexicographic form.
fromLexicographic(int, int, String) - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.CoLexicographic
Convert a lexicographic chirotope string into a colexicographic one
fromMatrix(int[][]) - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
This method is for turning a simple matrix of integers into an oriented matroid over the columns.
fromMatrix(double, double[][]) - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
This method is for turning a simple matrix of doubles into an oriented matroid over the columns.
fromSets(SetOfUnsignedSet) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.MatroidFactory
fromSignedSets(Label[], SetOfSignedSet) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OMSFactory
FullChirotope - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
A true chirotope with an alternating map.


get(SignedSet) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.FaceLattice
The face labeled with the given covector.
get(int) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Permutation
The ith slot from the permutation
getBases() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.Matroid
A view of the matroid as a set of bases.
getBasis() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.GramSchmidt
An orthogonal basis spanning the same space as the original matrix.
getChirotope() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
Get the chirotope representation of the oriented matroid.
getCircuits() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.Matroid
A view of the matroid as a set of circuits.
getCircuits() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
Get the circuit representation of the oriented matroid.
getDelegate() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.RationalMatrix
Access the underlying FieldMatrix
getDual() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.GramSchmidt
Continues the GramSchmidt process to compute a dual basis too.
getEquivalentOM() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.EuclideanPseudoLines
This is the oriented matroid which is actually being processed.
getFaceLattice() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
Get the face lattice representation of the oriented matroid.
getField() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.PerisicFieldElement
getIndependentSets() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.Matroid
A view of the matroid as a set of independent sets.
getInfinity() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.EuclideanPseudoLines
This is the element at infinity as from the constructor.
getLabel(int) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Options
Get the ith label from the universe.
getMatrix() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OMasRealized
An underlying matrix realizing this oriented matroid.
getMatroid() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
The underlying matroid.
getMaxVectors() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
Get the maximum vector representation of the oriented matroid.
getMessage() - Method in exception net.sf.oriented.omi.AxiomViolation
getOne() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.PerisicField
getPermutation() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.EuclideanPseudoLines
The elements of the original oriented matroid are permuted in the equivalent oriented matroid.
getPlusMinus() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Options
Are we using the +/- form.
getRealized() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
Get the realized representation of the oriented matroid.
getReorientation() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.EuclideanPseudoLines
This is the set of elements which were reoriented in the processing of this class.
getRuntimeClass() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.PerisicField
getSingleChar() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Options
Are we using short labels or long labels?
getUniverse() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.LabelFactory
getUniverse() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Options
Returns all the known labels.
getVectors() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
Get the vector representation of the oriented matroid.
getZero() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.PerisicField
gioanAndLasVergnas2004 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Gioan and Las Vergnas, 2004] Gioan, E.
GramSchmidt<T extends FieldElement<T>> - Class in net.sf.oriented.util.matrix
The Gram–Schmidt process, but without normalizing.
GramSchmidt(FieldMatrix<T>) - Constructor for class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.GramSchmidt
Initialize the GramSchmidt process over the given matrix.
Group - Class in net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics
This is the mathematically concept of finite group, however we consider every group as a subgroup of a permutation group, and every group element is a Permutation.
grünbaum1969 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Grünbaum, 1969] Grünbaum, B.


hashCode() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
The hashCode of an Oriented Matroid is the hashCode of the circuit representation as a SetOfSignedSets.
hashCode() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SetOf
Returns the hash code value for this set.
hashCode() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Permutation
hashCode() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.PerisicFieldElement
height - Variable in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.ImageOptions
The width and height of the intended image.
height() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.RationalMatrix
The height or number of rows of the matrix.
higher() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.Face
The faces one dimension higher than this face.


identity() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Group
The identity element of this group.
identityGroup(int) - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Group
The group consisting of the identity permutation over 0, 1, ....
image() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.PseudoLineDrawing
Returns an image of the oriented matroid with default options.
image(ImageOptions) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.PseudoLineDrawing
Returns an image of the oriented matroid with the specified options.
Image - Class in oriented
Create a pseudoline picture corresponding to one of the example oriented matroids.
ImageOptions - Class in net.sf.oriented.pseudoline
Settings for drawing pseudoline diagrams.
independentSets() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
A factory for matroids from independent sets.
index(int...) - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.CoLexicographic
In a colexicographic ordering, what position is this index.
index(int, int[]) - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Lexicographic
In a lexicographic ordering, what position is this index.
intersection(SET) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SetOf
inverse() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Permutation
The inverse permutation
isAcyclic() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
This returns true if the oriented matroid contains no positive circuit, or equivalently, every edge is in a positive cocircuit.
isEmpty() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SetOf
isRestrictionOf(SignedSet) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SignedSet
Is this a restriction of x? i.e.
isSubsetOf(SET) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SetOf
isSupersetOf(SET) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SetOf
isUniform() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
True if every set of OM.rank() elements is a basis for the underlying matroid.
iterator() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.FaceLattice
The faces in the lattice.
iterator() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.CoLexicographic
iterator() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Lexicographic


jaudonAndParlier2006 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Jaudon and Parlier, 2006] Jaudon, G.
JavaSet<X> - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
This interface adds nothing to the java.util.Set interface, but is used in preference, to clarify the distinction with the more mathematically pure set interfaces.
javaSetFor(Class<T>) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Options
Not part of the API


Label - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
The base items in sets and signed sets are these, which essentially correspond to Strings.
label() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.Label
The corresponding String.
labelBorder - Variable in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.ImageOptions
An additional border around labels.
LabelFactory - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
A factory for producing labels, which are used as the points or elements on which our oriented matroids and matroids are defined.
labelPosition - Variable in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.ImageOptions
The position of the labels within the border.
labels() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
A factory for labels.
lasVergnas1986 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Las Vergnas, 1986] Las Vergnas, M.
lawrence1983 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Lawrence, 1983] Lawrence, J.
levi1926 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Levi, 1926] Levi, F.
Lexicographic - Class in net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics
Iterate over lexicographic orderings of integers.
Lexicographic(int, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Lexicographic
Construct a lexicographic ordering or r items chosen from 0 through n − 1.
lineWidth - Variable in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.ImageOptions
The width of lines in the diagram.
lower() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.Face
The faces one dimension lower than this face.


main(String[]) - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.CoLexicographic
simple test code
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Lexicographic
simple test code
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Permutation
simple test
main(String[]) - Static method in class oriented.Image
main(String[]) - Static method in class oriented.MathOverflow129698
main(String[]) - Static method in class oriented.WebPage
map(String) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.PerisicField
Parse some string, and map it into this field
mapAll(int...) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Permutation
For each of the arguments, which must be between 0 and Permutation.n() map it to the new value under this permutation.
MathOverflow129698 - Class in oriented
Run the main method to get some of the workings of my answer to the Realizability of extensions of a free oriented matroid by an independent set
Matroid - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
A minimal matroid interface, not intended as a useful part of this library.
MatroidAsSet - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
View a matroid also as a set.
MatroidFactory - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
Convert a set of sets of elements into a matroid.
maxVectors() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
A factory for oriented matroids which uses the maximum vector (co-tope) representation.
minus(SET) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SetOf
minus(ITEM) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SetOf
minus() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SignedSet
The negative component.
mnev1988 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Mnev, 1988] Mnev, N.
motzkin1933 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Motzkin, 1933] Motzkin, T.
motzkin1983 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Motzkin, 1983] Motzkin, T.
multiply(int) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.PerisicFieldElement
multiply(PerisicFieldElement) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.PerisicFieldElement
mutate(int, Label...) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OMasChirotope
Produce a new oriented matroid by setting the value of the chirotope on the given basis to i This method does not check that the mutation is legal.
mutate(int, int...) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OMasChirotope
Produce a new oriented matroid by setting the value of the chirotope on the given basis to i This method does not check that the mutation is legal.


n() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Alternating
n() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.Chirotope
The number of elements on which this Chirotope is defined
n() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
The size of OM.elements()
n() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Group
The permutations in this group permute the numbers 0, 1, ....
n() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Permutation
The number of items being permuted by this permutation.
negate() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.PerisicFieldElement
net.sf.oriented.omi - package net.sf.oriented.omi
This package is the public interface, with OM as the key interface defining oriented matroids.
net.sf.oriented.pseudoline - package net.sf.oriented.pseudoline
This package is for representing rank 3 oriented matroids as pseudoline drawings, particularly in the Euclidean plane.
net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics - package net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics
A few additional combinatoric related classes and functions needed for this library.
net.sf.oriented.util.matrix - package net.sf.oriented.util.matrix
Minimal extension over the Apache Commons Math Library required for this library.
NotRank3Exception - Exception in net.sf.oriented.pseudoline
An algorithm that only applies to rank 3 oriented matroids was applied to an oriented matroid of a different rank.


OM - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
An Oriented Matroid.
OMasChirotope - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
The chirotope view of an oriented matroid.
OMasFaceLattice - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
The face lattice view of an oriented matroid.
OMasRealized - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
For an oriented matroid which was produced, or whose dual was produced, from a rational matrix, retrieve that view.
OMasSignedSet - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
An oriented matroid viewed as a set of signed sets: a set of circuits, a set of vectors, or a set of maximum vectors.
omega14(int) - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Examples
Richter-Gebert's interesting oriented matroids.
OMSFactory - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
An interface for producing oriented matroids from sets of signed sets (cicruits, vectors, maximum vectors).
opposite() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SignedSet
Swaps the positive and negative components
options() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
The options used by this factory.
Options - Class in net.sf.oriented.omi
Provide the options for String representations.
Options() - Constructor for class net.sf.oriented.omi.Options
Default options (32 bit implementation).
Options(Options.Impl) - Constructor for class net.sf.oriented.omi.Options
Allows using the non-default implementation.
Options.Impl - Enum in net.sf.oriented.omi
The choices of underlying implementation.
order() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Group
The number of elements in this group.
oriented - package oriented
Command line tools.
originArrowLength - Variable in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.ImageOptions
The length of the arrow used to show the origin.
originArrowSize - Variable in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.ImageOptions
The size of the arrowhead used to show the origin.


pappus() - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Examples
The oriented matroid corresponding to the arrangement in Pappus's theorm
parse(String) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.Factory
Create a new T.
parse(String...) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.Factory
PerisicField - Class in net.sf.oriented.util.matrix
Combine the perisic library with the apache commons math library.
PerisicFieldElement - Class in net.sf.oriented.util.matrix
Implements the FieldElement interface, for PerisicField
Permutation - Class in net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics
A permutation of integers
Permutation(int...) - Constructor for class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Permutation
Create a new permutations which maps i to map[i] for each i.
Permutation(int, int[][]) - Constructor for class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Permutation
Use the notation (0 1) (4 5 6)to represent the permutation (1 0 2 3 5 6 4)
permute(Permutation) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
Permute the Oriented Matroid, the ground set is not permuted.
permute(T...) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Permutation
This method returns the permuted arguments, which must be of number Permutation.n()
permuteGround(Permutation) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
Permute the ground set.
plus() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SignedSet
The positive component.
plücker1835 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Plücker, 1835] Plücker, J.
Polynomials - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.PerisicField
A universal polynomial field over the rationals.
powerSet() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SetOf
PseudoLineDrawing - Class in net.sf.oriented.pseudoline
This class is for generating images of pseudolines as Euclidean pictures of the projective plane.


Q - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.PerisicField
Imports the rationals.
QPolynomials - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.PerisicField
A universal polynomial field, with quotient polynomials over the rationals.


rank() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Alternating
rank() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.Chirotope
Must be a positive integer, which is constant for each object implementing this interface.
rank() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.Matroid
The rank of the matroid.
rank() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
The rank of this oriented matroid.
rational(String) - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.PerisicField
Parse some string as a rational, and map it into this field
RationalMatrix - Class in net.sf.oriented.util.matrix
A class implementing matrixes of rationals via FieldMatrix and PerisicField.
RationalMatrix(int[][]) - Constructor for class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.RationalMatrix
Initialize a matrix from integers.
RationalMatrix(FieldMatrix<PerisicFieldElement>) - Constructor for class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.RationalMatrix
Wraps a delegate.
RationalMatrix(List<List<PerisicFieldElement>>) - Constructor for class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.RationalMatrix
Initialize a matrix from lists of lists of PerisicFieldElement.
realized() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
A factory for oriented matroids which uses a realization of the OM as the representation.
RealizedFactory - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
An interface for producing oriented matroids from rational matrixes which realize them.
reciprocal() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.PerisicFieldElement
remake(T) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.Factory
reorient(Label...) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
Reorients (i.e.
respectingEquals() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SetOf
Return a set s such that: s.sameSetSetAs(this) && s.equalsIsSameSetAs().
restriction(UnsignedSet) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SignedSet
The restriction of this to x.
richterGebert1996 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Richter-Gebert, 1996] Richter-Gebert, J.
richterGebertAndSturmfels1991 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Richter-Gebert and Sturmfels, 1991] Richter-Gebert, J.
ringel() - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Examples
The oriented matroid corresponding to Ringel's uniform non-realizable, non-Pappus configuration.
ringel1956 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Ringel, 1956] Ringel, G.


sameSetAs(SET) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SetOf
This is mathematically set equality, except for empty sets - which respect type as well.
sendov1995 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Sendov, 1995] Sendov, B.
separation(SignedSet) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SignedSet
The set of elements that have different sign in this and b.
setColor(Label, Color) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.ImageOptions
Provides the color for a line.
setColorOfInfinity(Color) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.ImageOptions
Provides the color for the line at infinity, if null then the color is chosen like any other line.
SetFactory<ITEM,SET> - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
Provides conversion to and from String for some Set class.
setLongLabels() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Options
Some of the Label's used may consist of more than one character.
SetOf<ITEM,SET extends SetOf<ITEM,SET>> - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
Immutable mathematical sets.
setOfElements() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.Matroid
This is the same as Matroid.elements(), except it is unordered.
setOfElements() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
This is the same as OM.elements(), except it is unordered.
setOfElements() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SetOfSignedSet
This is the union over this set of the support of each member.
SetOfSignedSet - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
Mathematical sets of signed sets, as defined in Oriented Matroid literature.
SetOfUnsignedSet - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
Mathematical sets SetOf of mathematical sets SetOf of Labels.
setPlusMinus(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Options
Use 0 + - as the representation.
setShortLabels() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Options
All the Label's used consist of a single character (unicode code point).
setShowLabels(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.ImageOptions
Either show labels or not.
setsOfSignedSet() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
A factory for sets of signed sets.
setsOfUnsignedSet() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
A factory for sets of unsigned sets.
setStroke(Label, float...) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.ImageOptions
Provides the dash array for a line.
setStrokeOfInfinity(float...) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.ImageOptions
Provides the dashes for the line at infinity, if null then the dashes are chosen like any other line.
setUniverse(String[]) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Options
Provide all the Labels to be used, as Strings.
sharirAndSmorodinsky2001 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Sharir and Smorodinsky, 2001] Sharir, M.
shor1991 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Shor, 1991] Shor, P.
showOrigin - Variable in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.ImageOptions
Whether to show the origin or not.
showVertices - Variable in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.ImageOptions
Whether to high light vertices with a circle around them
sign(int...) - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Alternating
What is the sign of the permutation that sorts the values in x.
sign(Label) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SignedSet
Returns 1, -1 or 0 depending on whether e is in the positive, the negative or neither component respectively.
sign() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.PerisicFieldElement
compare this value with 0.
SignedSet - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
A signed set is defined by disjoint positive SignedSet.plus() and negative SignedSet.minus() components, both of which are UnsignedSets.
SignedSetFactory - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
A factory for producing signed sets.
signedSetPermuter(Permutation) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OM
Convert a permutation of the OM.elements() into a function that will map a signed set to the permuted signed set.
signedSets() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
A factory for signed sets.
size() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SetOf
size() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SignedSet
The number of elements which have a sign in this signed set.
size() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.CoLexicographic
size() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Lexicographic
subsetsOfSize(int) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SetOf
subtract(PerisicFieldElement) - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.PerisicFieldElement
support() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SignedSet
The union of the positive and negative components.
suvorov14() - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Examples
Suvorov's non-isotopic Oriented Matroid, (as presented in Bibliography.björnerEtAl1999
suvorov1988 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Suvorov, 1988]
switchFaceLattice() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.EuclideanPseudoLines
This method impacts performance.
symmetric(int) - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Group
The symmetric group of permutations over 0, 1, ....
symmetricSetsOfSignedSet() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
A factory for symmetric sets of signed sets.


toArray() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SetOf
An array of the members of this set.
toArray() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Permutation
The permutation as an array of integers.
toCoLexicographicString() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OMasChirotope
The simplest form of the chirotope: in colexicographic ordering.
toCrossingsString() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.EuclideanPseudoLines
Gives a representation of the modified oriented matroid as a list of crossings strings that can be used in FactoryFactory.fromCrossings(String...)
toLexicographicString() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.OMasChirotope
The simplest form of the chirotope: in lexicographic ordering.
top() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.FaceLattice
The (artificial) top face of the lattice.
toString(T) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.Factory
Convert a T into a String
toString() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.PseudoLineDrawing
toString() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.combinatorics.Permutation
toString() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.PerisicFieldElement
toString() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.RationalMatrix
tsukamoto13(int) - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Examples
Tsukamoto's non-isotopic Oriented Matroid
tsukamoto2013 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Tsukamoto, 2013]
type() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.Face
The type, ie the position of the face in the lattice.


uniform3() - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Examples
The uniform oriented matroid of 3 points of rank 3
uniform4() - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Examples
The uniform oriented matroid of 4 points of rank 3
union(SET) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SetOf
Set union.
union(ITEM) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SetOf
Set union with the singleton set containing b
union() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SetOfUnsignedSet
The union over this set of the members of this set.
unsignedCircuits() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
A factory for matroids from circuits.
UnsignedSet - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
This class represents mathematical sets of Labels which are the base elements in our universe of discourse.
unsignedSets() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
A factory for unsigned sets.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.oriented.omi.Face.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.oriented.omi.Options.Impl
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum net.sf.oriented.omi.Face.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.sf.oriented.omi.Options.Impl
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
vectors() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.FactoryFactory
A factory for oriented matroids which uses the vector representation.
verify() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.SetOf
Check invariants of the object, in particular check that Object.hashCode() satisfies its contract.
Verify - Interface in net.sf.oriented.omi
This interface is implemented by classes which represent mathematical concepts that have certain axioms, and/or by java classes that have invariants.
verify() - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.Verify
Check invariants of the object.
verify() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.PseudoLineDrawing
verify() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.GramSchmidt
vertexSize - Variable in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.ImageOptions
The size of the vertex circle if shown.


WebPage - Class in oriented
wheel12() - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Examples
This is from the Oriented Matroid book Bibliography.björnerEtAl1999
width - Variable in class net.sf.oriented.pseudoline.ImageOptions
The width and height of the intended image.
width() - Method in class net.sf.oriented.util.matrix.RationalMatrix
The width or number of columns of the matrix.
withDimension(int) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.FaceLattice
The grade of the face lattice with faces of a given dimension.
withDimensions(int, int) - Method in interface net.sf.oriented.omi.FaceLattice
An iterable of the grades of the lattice between lower and upper inclusive.


πάππος() - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Examples
The oriented matroid corresponding to the arrangement in Pappus's theorm
πάπποςAndJones1986a - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Pappus and Jones, 1986a] Pappus and Jones, A.
πάπποςAndJones1986b - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Pappus and Jones, 1986b] — (1986b).
πάπποςC340 - Static variable in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Bibliography
[Pappus, c340] Pappus (c340).


Ω14(int) - Static method in class net.sf.oriented.omi.Examples
Richter-Gebert's interesting oriented matroids.